Celebrate Life

Up and Coming

Inspire Me

We're off to BELIZE tonight!

January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024

Dear Friends,


24 of our Power With Grace community dancers will be flying to Belize tonight for our second retreat and we are beyond excited! On our itinerary will be meditation and group bonding, yoga, dancing, and local excursions including the Cockscomb Basin Jungle nighttime hike, Xunantunich ruins, cave tubing, and snorkeling in the second best barrier reef in the world!

If you are not joining us this time around...Remember that ALL CLASSES from last week were recorded and are available on-demand on our website while we are away. 

If you are a member, all the classes are free and included with your membership when you log in to the website! If you are not a member, you can purchase classes a-la-carte and workout from home at your own convenience.

See you in a week!

Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 30th.

Click on the image above to watch a video recap of Shayne's dedication class!

Dancing for Lisa Hudson and her son, Shayne Rebbetoy

Last Tuesday, we dedicated our Stop Drop and Dance class to Shayne, who transitioned from this world four years ago.

On that unimaginable day, Catherine Granville reached out and shared the terrible news, saying that what Lisa really wanted was to come to dance the next day. Her way of grieving and healing was needing to move her body and be surrounded by uplifting, loving, and supportive women.

We couldn’t bring Shayne back, but we were able to celebrate his life and we were able to dance with Lisa through many, many tears and sniffles.

We could do that for Lisa.

And we have continued to do that with her every class she comes to, and especially every January since that year in remembrance of Shayne.

Lisa and Shayne’s story helped to change "Stop Drop and Dance" from being just a dance class, to something much, much more.

They helped to inspire the creation of this small business, "The Power With Grace," to be a place where we not only exercise for our physical health, but more importantly, we join to navigate the ups and downs of life, and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, real and HUMAN, together.

Thank you friends for surrounding Lisa and Shayne with your love.

You are brave, you are strong, you are beautiful Lisa, and we love you!

Click on the image above to watch a video recap of Bev's 70th and Retirement class!

This is 70 and Happy Retirement Beverly Brewster!

Last Thursday, we all showed up in PINK and Bev chose a 75 minute playlist with her favorite Stop Drop and Dance songs.

We celebrated her 70th birthday as well as her retirement as “Pastor Bev” from Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church! She officially gave her last sermon last Sunday!

Even more special was that her kids, Liz and Andy, threw her a huge party on her actual birthday last Monday, with almost 100 guests, and Bev kept the party going by breaking out a few of her favorite Stop Drop and Dance songs!

Be sure to watch the video clip above and you'll see highlights from her party! 

Look at her gorgeous sequin pantsuit (perfect for fast football runs in Level Up and getting LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW!).

Congratulations Bev!!! 
To more self-care and time for dancing!

Click on the image above to watch a video recap of our YES Fundraiser!

We raised $4800 for the Yes Foundation!

On Friday night, we had an amazing turnout at Wade Thomas Elementary School for the YES Foundation, benefitting art and music education for the five schools in the Ross Valley School District (Brookside Elementary, Hidden Valley Elementary, Manor Elementary, Wade Thomas Elementary, and White Hill Middle Schools)!

Thank you to everyone who showed up to Stop Drop and Dance with us and helped us raise over $4800!

This wouldn’t have been possible without our incredible hosts Erin Meyers, Kim Stuart, Sararose Benham, Kim Lewis, and Anna Barker, who showed up 3 hours early to decorate the gym into a balloon extravaganza glow-in-the-dark wonderland (we all need some glowing palm trees in our lives, don't we Barb Untermann?)!

Perhaps the best part of the night was seeing so many old friends and faces from when I used to teach in San Anselmo at Marin Power Yoga, and remembering how this “dance to fundraise” concept started with YES all those years ago…

Who remembers fitting 80 people into MPY and Jamie Ginsberg even had someone build a sturdy table for me to dance on as a “stage”?? Good memories and I am full of gratitude to be able to do what I love and help raise money for good causes at the same time.

Thank you for dancing and making an impact!

Click on the image to see our 2024 Class Calendar!


(Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 30th)

Save the date for a few special events after we return from Belize:

Tuesday, January 30th 9:30am Stop Drop and Dance @UUMarin

Happy Birthday to Jen Liao on Zoom!

Jen will pick her favorite songs for a 60 minute playlist!

Friday, February 2nd 6:00pm CanDo Fundraiser @Mary Silveira Elementary!

Sign up to join us for $30/family and help raise money for the Miller Creek School District (Lucas Valley Elementary, Mary Silveira Elementary, Vallecito Elementary, and Miller Creek Middle Schools).  Thank you to our hosts Heather DiGiorgio, Jennifer Ishii, Kristi Leach, and Susanah Gasper!  

Click on the image to sign up for our CanDo Fundraiser class!

"You need to do more
than eat nourishing food,
exercise and rest to feel your best. 

You also need to be around good people,
spend time healing your emotional history,
live in alignment with your values,
say no to people-pleasing,
stay open to growth,
and deeply embrace change."

- Yung Pueblo

A huge thank you to my parents for watching my girls this upcoming week and making the retreat possible!  Hope you can join us on our next retreat as we travel around the world, DANCING!!!
