Celebrate Life

Inspire Me

Up and Coming

We WON the 2023 IJ Readers Choice Awards!

February 26, 2023

February 26, 2023

Dear Friends,


Oh my, friends, thank you thank YOU for voting in the Marin IJ 2023 Readers Choice Awards last Fall!  Thank you especially to Jennifer Overaa, who first approached me with this idea and encouraged me to "enter" this ballot.

The results are officially published as of today!  "The Power With Grace" won in the category of "Best Personal Fitness Instructor" (page 76) and "Stop Drop and Dance" also got honorable mention for the category of "Best Dance Studio" (page 60).

I appreciate all of you SO MUCH for taking the time to vote and for helping to promote our classes through this wonderful recognition!

Click here to see all the Readers Choice Winners!

Two Week Countdown!

We are sold out of our 2023 Stop Drop and Dance-a-thon shirts, however, you can still purchase a ticket and join our 3 hour dance marathon from 5-8pm on Saturday, March 11th!  Dinner is included in the ticket price and will be afterwards from 8-9pm.  We have over 110 people attending already but the more the merrier (or in our case, the sweatier) =)

Those of you who have already bought a ticket and are attending, be on the lookout this upcoming week for our BACK-UP DANCERS sign up sheet in your email!  We have 44 songs total and I need 4 back-up dancers on stage with me for each song!

Invite your friends and purchase your ticket today!

*After your purchase, you will be added to a 2023 Dance-a-thon email group and you will receive the dance of the day in your inbox to practice (with the option to opt-out)* - we are on Day 32 of 44!

Click here to buy your Dance-a-thon ticket!

Birthdays and Celebrations

For our last class prior to this week off, we celebrated Kim Stuart's birthday with a 75 minute Stop Drop and Dance playlist, finishing with her special request: dancing to "I Am Here" By Pink in a whole group circle!  Kim also chose an animal print theme and provided fun headbands, scrunchies, and bracelets!  Thank you Kim!

This Saturday, March 4th, we will be celebrating another Stop Drop and Dance birthday class for Kendra Miles in "The Garage!"

Come and join us!

Classes Resume on Tuesday!

My family and I had a wonderful vacation this past week visiting Vancouver and Whistler!  We ate yummy Asian food, went shopping, and biked through Stanley Park in Vancouver, then skiied and snowboarded on Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains in very, very cold weather (-15 at the peak!).  That powder though!!!

I am ready to work out and get sweaty with all of you this week for our regular class schedule!  

I've missed you and can't wait to see you!
