Dear Friends,
Happy 21st Birthday Shayne!
If you can come to class this Thursday, January 16th, at 9:30am, please do.
All of our classes are special, but this one, for the 5th year now, is always just a little extra special.
Wear PURPLE and let's celebrate Shayne Rebbetoy's 21st birthday by dancing for 75 minutes with his mama, Lisa Hudson.
We hold space and a place for dance to exist, even among grief, loss, and pain.
We invite you to join if you are in that place where you are hurting, too. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to move your energy around and breathe again.
And for everyone else, we invite you to join to be a support to all those who are hurting. We need your presence, your love and your light.
It's simply showing up.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain."
- Vivian Greene

No Class Saturday!
Just a reminder that there will be no class this Saturday, January 18th. Enjoy your Martin Luther King Jr. long weekend!
Tuesday, January 21st 9:30am
75 minute Stop Drop and Dance
Happy Birthdays Beverly Brewster, Jennifer Lee & Shannon Bindler!
We are combining some of our favorite January birthday girls together for a sparkly, glamorous and bell-bottom dance theme!
Friday, January 24th 5:30pm
45 minute Stop Drop and Dance
Marin Montessori Dance-a-thon Fundraiser!
We will be leading a Family Auction Dance-a-thon for the Marin Montessori community of young kids organized by Kaitlin Van Acker!
Saturday, January 25th 9:30am
60 minute Stop Drop and Dance
Happy Birthday Jen Liao (she will be on Zoom)!
Jen has been dancing remotely from San Carlos with us since the start of the pandemic and will be picking her favorite songs!
Click here to sign up to join a class!

20 Days to the DANCE-A-THON!
Our 4th Stop Drop and Dance-a-thon is happening in TWENTY DAYS on Sunday, February 2nd from 4-7pm with dinner included afterwards from 7-8pm.
Doors open at 3:30pm!
For those of you that may feel the dance-a-thon may be a bit scary or intimidating...
- you will be surrounded by positive, encouraging, joyful dancers
- we will cross the finish line of 46 dances TOGETHER
There are a VERY limited number of EXTRA ADD-ON tanks and youth t-shirts available for purchase (currently in all sizes) - order yours before we sell out like last time!!!
Sign up for the 2025 Danceathon and/or get a $28 tank!

Marin Catholic Women's Varsity Basketball Bonding!
The Marin Catholic Women's Varsity Basketball team LEVELED UP their normal practice last Monday night with some New Years Stop Drop and Dance team bonding! We turned the Marin Catholic gymnasium into a party with disco balls, glow sticks and music speakers, and danced together for an hour!
Thanks to Coach Kayden Korst and Coach Dan for inviting us to teach and allowing us to bring a little laughter, silliness and fun to the team.
Thank you to the players who embraced doing something totally different and probably uncomfortable at first, but ended up having no problems taking turns leading dances in front of each other! And finally, thank you to the backup crew, Debby Strenkofsky Erin Meyers, Lisa Butcher, Marianne Jacobson, Pam Flores and Sandy Aley for helping to set up, break down and create the magical energy that is the heart and soul of "The Power With Grace."
We finished the evening in a circle and shared one word intentions and mantras, then danced to Coach KK’s favorite song:
“Even when the fear is starin’ in my face,
Oh, I’m BRAVE.”
It’s more than dance.
It’s more than basketball.
Go get ‘em CATS!

Happy Neon Birthdays Jacki & Christie!
Jacki Cannici and Christie McAllister celebrated their birthdays this past Saturday morning with a super fun 80’s neon theme and Stop Drop and Dance playlist.
They brought scrunchies for everyone and they even brought a crew of 30 new women WHO WERE JUST LIKE US.
- They were unafraid to be silly and came up dressed in head to toe 80’s fashion.
- They picked up the dances easily and some even came up front without knowing the moves.
- They embraced the physical cardio workout of the class and did not stop dancing.
- They exuded positivity and joy and smiled while dancing with strangers around them.
- They even brought a few mini dancers (kids of their own) that danced up front too!
Seriously, how have we all not met before???
So much fun on a Saturday morning.
Happiest birthdays Jacki and Christie and thank you for bringing your friends to our dance family!

Thank you for the donations so far!
This past week has not felt like a week. It truly has felt like a month has passed. I keep reminding myself that homes can be replaced and material possessions can be let go of, but then when I hear of the ones who can't recover from the financial loss, or the actual loss of lives, or the poor animals... ugh my heart cannot take it.
It's been a long week.
And I'm not even directly affected by it.
So all I can do is share about the one person I know who IS deeply affected by it, who is also the one person that is deeply intertwined with this community, "The Power With Grace."
If you haven't yet, please click on this Eventbrite (if you have trouble on a mobile, try on a desktop), and donate to her, her husband Michael, and son Robert, who lost their home in Pacific Palisades on the first day of the fires.
It is a group contribution from this "The Power With Grace" family. We will collect the donations until the Dance-a-thon on February 2nd and I will sign a card with everyone's names on it who donated.
In addition, there are a few more links below for GoFundMes that were shared among our Dance Group Whats App for close friends and family that lost homes in the fires. If you are in a position to donate more, thank you for your generosity!
Donate to "We Love You Danusia" from "The Power With Grace" community
Donate to Eliza Desch's brother, Sam Jones and family
Donate to Kathy Green's cousin, David Noorvash and family
Donate to Shannon's best friend, Heaven and her daughter