The Struggle Is Real

Up and Coming

Make a Difference

I am not throwing away my SHOT!

March 29, 2021

March 29, 2021

Dear Friends,

Did you say... free donuts?

For the remainder of 2021, anyone who shows their Covid-19 vaccination card at a Krispy Kreme will receive a free original glazed donut.  Although eating a donut every single day is probably not the healthiest idea, you must applaud the chain to be the first to provide consumers an incentive to get vaccinated!

Read More: Krispy Kreme Vaccine Offer

Photo Credit: Krispy Kreme

Did you say... Hamilton?

Thank you to Marcia who sent this YouTube link to "My Shot," a Covid Vaccine Adaptation made by doctors from Northern California.  You have to appreciate their efforts to support and encourage everyone to get vaccinated so that we can "bring population immunity to the point where the pandemic can finally come to an end."

Did you say... it's MY turn?

In case you haven't heard, after April 15th, any Californian over the age of 16 can get vaccinated, and anyone over 50 can sign up in just a few days on April 1st!  Congratulations to all of you who have already gotten vaccinated, and if you haven't yet, please register below!

Check Your My Turn Eligibility

Thank you Jessica!

Thank you!

From getting vaccinated
and not only protecting yourself but also everyone you come into contact with,

to donating $1417 to Ruby's Rainbow and the 321 Pledge last week
and helping them raise $442,000, 

to celebrating Christina's birthday last Saturday
with 5 of her 6 sisters plus her wife and niece,

to dancing together for a Kentifield School Foundation KIK fundraiser this past Thursday,

thank you for making a REAL difference in the world.

Watch Ruby's One Minute Thank You VIdeo

Photo Credit: Laura T.

The work ahead...

Last week was the Atlanta shooting. 

On Monday was another horrendous shooting in Boulder, Colorado. 

On Friday I attended an AAPI rally in San Rafael (thank you Katherine), and overheard an older white male cyclist walking by, mocking "Asian Lives Matter," continuing on to say Chinese people eat weird animals like a bat and that's why the pandemic is the fault of Asians.

Despite feeling anger rise inside of me, I was once again, stunned into silence, and disappointedly did not engage with the man.  

My work. 
Speaking up in the moment is MY WORK. 
What's yours?

Read Oprah Daily: 100 Women of Color Remember Their First Encounter With Racism - And How They Overcame It (Thank you Kim)

Your shot matters.

Your vaccination matters.
Your voice matters.
Your action matters.

YOU Matter.
Don't throw away your shot.
