Celebrate Life

Inspire Me

Love Yourself

Happy 3 Year Anniversary to US!

December 13, 2022

December 13, 2022

Dear Friends,

Thank you, friends!

Yesterday, December 12th, was officially our 3 year anniversary of "The Power With Grace!"  I had it on my checklist to finish this newsletter and send it out (yesterday), but unfortunately, like everything else in my life, I am running just a little bit behind.

For example, I intended to finish my Christmas cards during Thanksgiving weekend before we left for our Tulum retreat.

Nope.  And... they're still not done.

The same goes with a lot of other things still on my checklist (with the boxes not checked off): buying Christmas presents, repairing my chipped iMac screen that I use to Zoom classes, repairing my wireless headset microphone that my daughter accidentally broke, planning my daughter's January birthday party, applying for my RealID, figuring out gifts for teachers... tidying the house!!!

None of it is done, but that's ok.

This is the reason why I picked the name, "The Power With Grace."

Yes my name happens to be in it, but Grace refers to my WHY behind what I do.
Grace is forgiving ourselves and others.
Grace is finding acceptance and showing compassion.
Grace is loving large despite our imperfections.
Grace is coming to class when you are at your highest highs and also, when you are at your lowest lows.
Grace is empathy and lifting up others.

Thank you for celebrating 3 years of something much more than exercise, dance, fitness, or yoga.
We are celebrating 3 years of a journey towards more self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.
We are celebrating 3 years of new friendships, connections, and the most amazing community.
We are celebrating 3 years of witnessing transformations in our lives from the power of positivity, perseverance, and passion.
We are celebrating 3 years of believing we are each creating a kinder and more loving world.

That's what "The Power With Grace" stands for.
Thank you for believing in US.

It's been quite a week!

Last Tuesday, we started off our week of birthday celebrations with a 75 minute class for Laura Winter Williams!  If you didn't know, Laura is a musician and she just released her first album called "Fine Line!"  Listen to "Third Coyote" on Spotify or follow @thirdcoyotemusic on Instagram to support her work!

Congratulations Laura!

Representing Orlando!

Then on Thursday, we celebrated Monica Jones' 50th birthday with another 75 minute Stop Drop and Dance class!  Even though Monica lives in Florida, she is an online member and has been dancing with us during the pandemic.  What a special treat we got to hang out with her in Tulum, and celebrate her special 50th on Zoom!

Happy Birthday Monica!

Double Birthday Celebration!

Guess we have a lot of December birthdays, because we danced for another 75 minute Stop Drop and Dance class on Saturday for Laura Briggs and Tiffany Singer!  They chose a SHINY theme, so we pulled out our sparkly pants and tops for the occasion!  Thank you to Sara Rainbolt for purchasing shiny headband accessories for everyone, and thank you to all the dancers who came even though it was a crazy rainstorm that morning!

Happy Birthday Laura and Tiffany!

December Schedule

Our regular schedule is happening all month long except one class will be cancelled on Saturday, December 24th.

Remember that your kids are always free with a participating parent, so if you are around during the Winter Break and need some exercise (or some time for your mental health), you know where to find us!  

Yes, we are dancing New Years Eve on Saturday, December 31st at 9:30am in "The Garage!"

Please visit our website www.thepowerwithgrace.com/classes to see the full schedule and to sign up and join us in-person, on Zoom, or on-demand (all live classes are recorded for 2 days afterwards!).

"how you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you get down the mountain.  and so it is with life, which for many of us becomes one big gigantic test followed by one big gigantic lesson.  in the end, it all comes down to one word.  grace.  it's how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light."
- amazing grace™ philosophy
