Dear Friends,
A note from this Saturday's birthday host, Marianne Jacobson:
"Unfortunately, many of us have lost friends or loved ones to suicide. It is a tragic epidemic.
It is especially heart-breaking when it happens to young people. In the last 10 years suicide among 10–24 year-olds has increased 57%. And, over 40,000 people die from suicide in the US annually.
Over the last few years we have personally lost several neighbors and dear young friends who took their own lives. Last year I felt so overwhelmed and devastated that I was compelled to do something. We raised almost $4000 and I am hoping to beat that this year.
Dance brings me so much joy, and I want to be hopeful and help improve this terrible situation in some way. So, this year we will dance again to raise funds for the Jed Foundation which offers education and prevention services to HS and college students at 9000 schools across America.
Thanks for supporting this very serious cause with me."
Donate and Dance to Marianne Jacobson's JED Foundation Fundraiser Here!

JED Foundation Mission
Our work shifts the culture and conversation around mental health by focusing on two components to change and save lives:
1. Strengthening the emotional health of teens and young adults so they can thrive today and tomorrow.
2. Preventing substance misuse, self-harm and suicide as a result of emotional distress.
We do this by equipping individuals, strengthening schools and mobilizing communities.
With your donation, you can come in-person to class at 1 Thorndale Drive in San Rafael, or you will receive the Zoom link in your Eventbrite email.
If you are coming in-person, wear CAMOUFLAGE workout clothing and if you have it, our SPICE tank and/or LIFE IS A DANCE sweater.
Even if you are not able to dance with us, thank you for your donation to our cause! With your donation, all donors will receive an on-demand recording of our class for the following week.

Dance for Diapers Fundraiser This Friday!
This Friday, you have another opportunity to dance! The National Charity League San Rafael Mission Belles chapter received a grant to host a Stop Drop and Dance Fundraiser for the Postpartum Center of Marin. The National Charity League is a philanthropic organization for mothers and daughters from grades 7 to 12.
Everyone from the public is welcome to join us this Friday, March 15th at 7pm at Sun Valley Elementary School!
Please bring a box of diapers in sizes 4, 5, 6 or 7 and a $10-$15 optional donation would be greatly appreciated.Backup dancers needed so please reach out to Grace if you can make it this Friday!
Donate to Dance For Diapers Here!

Save the (Other Important) Dates!
Wednesday, March 13th, 8:00pm @ Ranch Water
(711 4th Street, San Rafael)
Power With Grace Community Karaoke Night!
Rumor has it that there is a new Karaoke place on Wednesdays in downtown San Rafael... so we're gonna take it over! If you sing, let's hear it! If you don't, that's ok - there will guaranteed be dancing and a whole lot of fun!
Thursday, March 21st, 9:30am @ UUMarin
(240 Channing Way, San Rafael)
Happy Birthday Sunny St. Germain!
Just like her name, we are celebrating Sunny with a "Sunshine in my Soul" theme! Join us for a 75 Minute Stop Drop and Dance class to her favorite songs!
THEME: Wear your Gold "Shine Your Light" tank or any yellow sunny workout clothing!
Saturday, March 23rd, 9:30am @ The Garage
(1 Thorndale Drive, San Rafael)
Jessica Kissane's 321 Pledge & Ruby's Rainbow Fundraiser!
This will be our 5th annual fundraiser for Ruby's Rainbow, and last year we raised over $3210 which granted us a scholarship for Sarah Orlinsky, who is now studying at Lipscomb University in Nashville, in honor of Cassidy Kissane and Stop Drop and Dance! More info coming next week!
THEME: Wear rainbows, rainbows, and more rainbows!
Thursday, March 28th, 9:30am @ UUMarin
(240 Channing Way, San Rafael)
Happy Birthday Andrea Spencer!
Please join Andrea as we celebrate her 65th birthday with a guaranteed high-cardio Stop Drop and Dance class followed by treats after class from Andrea!
THEME: Wear Andrea's favorite color, yellow!

*NEW* for $70/month Members:
IN-PERSON Wednesdays HIIT & Yoga included!
For those of you who are on the $70/month membership that includes unlimited ONLINE access to all our live zooms, previously-live recorded classes, and on-demand classes…
Now IN-PERSON Wednesday 9:30am HIIT Cardio Strength and 10:45am All Levels Yoga is included as part of your membership!!!
We hope this will motivate more of you to come IN-PERSON and start incorporating more strength and stretch into your weekly workout routine!Bring dumbbells and a mat to HIIT and just a mat to Yoga. Small classes, big energy, and accountability with a supportive community!
💃🏻 Stop Drop and Dance classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are still $12/drop in on this $70/month membership.
⬆️ Upgrade to the full unlimited online and in-person membership for $120/month if you plan to come in-person at least 5x per month to any class!
🧘🏻♀️ Non-members can drop in to any in-person class for $25, zoom for $15, or take an on-demand recording for $20.
Email Grace if you have any questions:

We raised over $2000 for Mark Day School!
Last Friday night, we hosted a school auction fundraiser for Mark Day school, including a glow-in-the-dark all ages Stop Drop and Dance party followed by a full taco bar dinner, refreshments and churros!
Thank you to our team of hosts that literally made this party successful and possible! They contributed in so many ways from sending emails and promoting in the parking lot, to preparing and supplying all kinds of decorations, to setting up beforehand and cleaning up afterwards, to sponsoring dinner, refreshments and dessert, and of course, to dancing on stage when needed and creating energy in the crowd when off stage.
An event like this is not something to tackle alone.
It is only possible, together.
These ladies made the fundraiser happen and we raised over $2000! Thank you Adeline Liu, Aimee Foreman, Allison Hagey, Anne Kaplan, Katherine Chan, Kristen Sperling, Laika Chow, Megan Mariani, Myia Silkaitis, and Orna Weisberg for your incredible support, to Susanah Gasper for generously loaning black lights, and thank you to the Mark Day School maintenance staff for letting us use the gym and facilities, and working hard to set up and break down for us!
Thank you to all the families and individuals that joined our dance party!!!
You are appreciated!
“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
- African Proverb

Happy Birthday Karen Shelton!
On Saturday morning, it was so special getting to celebrate Karen Shelton and her beautiful family who joined her: her daughters Emma and Sara, her granddaughters Ani and Lola, her husband David, and her friend, Ida!
We came in our “Shine Your Light” tanks, and Karen brought along some sparkly accessories like headbands and bracelets, and we danced for an hour to Karen’s favorite Stop Drop and Dance songs! Thank you to everyone who was able to dance with us on Saturday and for our impromptu pre-photo dance altogether in the front of the camera at the end of class!
Watch the short video clip below to see all of our highlights from Karen's birthday class with her cute family!

This is 45.
Last Thursday as I showed up at the church right before 9am to set up all my equipment, my sister walked in. We are both not early-risers or morning people, so I stared at her and said hello. But my brain wasn't quite processing yet and I was confused.
"Why is my sister here? She lives over an hour away. What is going on?"
And then it became clear.
She was holding balloons. She was holding Krispy Kreme donuts. She was here to make sure my dancers knew it was my birthday weekend.
It wasn't only her. Throughout the weekend, my best friend Karen dropped off homemade almond jello and a guava cake. My girlfriend Nela dropped off cupcakes. My parents cooked my favorite homemade dishes. My husband booked me a massage. I was showered with beautiful messages, cards, and texts from all of you. And even though my birthday has now passed, I know there are some suspicious dancers planning something after class tomorrow up on the church hill (therefore only 60 minutes of dancing tomorrow and no core/abs/stretch!) and karaoke night Wednesday...
I wasn't planning to announce my birthday and was trying to keep it a secret originally, but now it's just, not, a secret.
I love celebrating your birthdays, so I am going to allow myself to receive your celebrations for me too. I always ask you to come to class with open hearts, so I will show up also with an open heart. I want each of you to know you are seen and loved, so I will let you see and love me.
I am so grateful for all of you.
For the time you spend reading these newsletters.
For your vulnerability dancing with me.
For the life stories you share to make our community alive.
YOU bring ME so much joy.
Never turn away from joy knocking on your heart...
She wants to be with you.
Thank you to my birthday twin, Lizzy Poppe, who just turned 40 yesterday and shared this beautiful poem:
"Joy does not arrive with a fanfare,
on a red carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.
Joy sneaks in, as you pour a cup of coffee,
watching the sun hit your favourite tree, just right.
And you usher joy away,
because you are not ready for it.
Your house is not as it must be,
for such a distinguished guest.
But joy cares nothing for your messy home,
or your bank-balance,
or your waistline, you see.
Joy is supposed to slither through the cracks,
of your imperfect life, that's how joy works.
You cannot invite her,
you can only be ready when she appears.
And hug her with meaning,
because in this very moment,
Joy chose you."
- Donna Ashworth