Dear Friends,
Studio 54 Triple Birthdays TOMORROW!
Find something sparkly, sequiny or bell-bottomy to dance in tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st at 9:30am for our 75 minute Stop Drop and Dance triple birthday celebration for Beverly Brewster, Jennifer Lee and Shannon Bindler!
They are each picking their favorite songs for our playlist and have bought some accessories to share with everyone! Can’t wait to celebrate our January babies together!
As a special birthday wish for Shannon, please click here to donate to one of her best friends’ GoFundMe, who lost her home in the fires. Thank you!

Disney Theme Saturday!
We are bringing the Happiest Place on Earth to UUMarin this Saturday, January 25th at 9:30am for a 60 minute Stop Drop and Dance class for Jen Liao's birthday class!
Jen lives in San Carlos, but that hasn't stopped her from zooming in virtually to our classes regularly for the past 5 years since the pandemic and celebrating her birthday every January!
We are excited she is also coming to our Dance-a-thon on February 2nd!
Please join us!

2 Weeks Until The DANCE-A-THON!
Our 4th Stop Drop and Dance-a-thon is happening in LESS THAN 2 weeks on Sunday, February 2nd from 4-7pm with dinner included afterwards from 7-8pm.
Doors open at 3:30pm!
For those of you that may feel the dance-a-thon may be a bit scary or intimidating...
- you will be surrounded by positive, encouraging, joyful dancers
- we will cross the finish line of 46 dances TOGETHER
There are a VERY limited number of EXTRA ADD-ON tanks and youth t-shirts available for purchase (currently in all sizes) - order yours before we sell out like last time!!!

Happy 21st Birthday Shayne!
“21 years ago (on January 18th) your sparkly soul burst into this world. In your 16 years here on earth you touched so many with your generous love, your sparkly light and your infectious enthusiasm for life and the pursuit of JOY. And in your 5 years in spirit you continue to expand your circle of love and influence - giving us hope and comfort and teaching us that your love, light and energy is eternal in our hearts.” - Lisa Hudson
Last Thursday, we gathered with Lisa Hudson to celebrate Shayne’s 21st birthday and it was extra special having Shayne’s father, Jack, join us too.
We all wore purple colors and Lisa brought purple amethyst hearts for us to tuck close to our hearts while we danced. With the help of Jack and Catherine Granville, Lisa also decorated the church with balloons, a purple backdrop and Shayne’s photo.
We started with lots of tears but finished with hearts full of joy and gratitude.
Love you Lisa and love this community.

"If you can't fly, then run.
If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do,
You have to keep moving forward."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Yes, on the outside we are a dance class.
But boy do we try to be so much more than that.
If you celebrate something, we celebrate with you.
But if you are hurting, we hurt with you too.
If we can be a light, if we can spark hope,
If we can help to heal, then we will certainly try.
Thank you to this community of dancers,
For always showing up to support one another.